
  • 孤勇者歌词
  • 后来歌词
  • 晴天歌词
  • 女人花歌词
  • 我和我的祖国歌词
  • 歌唱祖国歌词
  • 团结就是力量歌词
  • 强军战歌歌词
  • 1999歌词

    1999 (1999年) - 达达乐队
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh ,what you came on fair
    Oh, what you let my stay
    Oh, what you get on hand
    Stop my breathe
    Stop my breathe
    How to hit
    Oh, what you came on fair
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Stop my breathe
    Stop my breathe
    Here you are lucky
    Here you are know what you say
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh, what you came on birthday
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh ,what you came on fair
    Stop my breathe
    Stop my breathe
    Here you are like is
    Here you are know what you hit
    Oh, what you came on say
    Oh ,what you came on bear
    Stop my breathe
    Stop my breathe
    Here you are like is
    Here you are know what you say
    Well well and well
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh ,what you stand I many say
    Oh, what you get on hand and wrong
    I don't know you like it
    Here you are know what you say
    Well well came on bear
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh, what you came on bear
    Oh, what you came on bear


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