
  • 孤勇者歌词
  • 后来歌词
  • 晴天歌词
  • 女人花歌词
  • 我和我的祖国歌词
  • 歌唱祖国歌词
  • 团结就是力量歌词
  • 强军战歌歌词
  • 你不爱我爱谁歌词

    作曲 : Curtis Mckonly
    作词 : 邬裕康
    OS:This is song goes out to all the females
    who's heart been broken
    I'm only hear to do one thing
    and that's to bring it back
    So relex, lay down, close your eyes,spread your heart,
    Check it out, here we go
    RAP:From the first when our eyes ever made contact,
    stepped back tried to relax
    But stead felt a heart attack Could it be that that I see that
    I'll be standing next to you whenever
    where ever you'll be at
    Words maybe strong
    when it's the first time you hear them
    Baby know you're scared
    but never the less try to hear them
    No false pre-tenses nothing but the real deal
    Love coming from the man of steel
    EVERWHERE 都是你的脸 
    这份爱到处都有边线 一跨就被吹犯规
    EVERWHERE 我都不会变 
    你不爱我 我问问你还能爱谁
    RAP:Look in my eyes,Baby truth and not lies
    The questions og what and why
    Let them die,ciz now's the time to fly
    So close your eyes and leave the lonely past behind
    And just let me hold you not scold you,
    cuz baby I told you
    That the only thing I want is to grow old with you
    Look in your heart, cuz I know I've got the parts
    To feed what you need from the start
    EVERWHERE 都是你的脸 
    再危险我也不怕危险 把笑架在你眼前
    EVERWHERE 我都不会变 
    你不爱我 我问问你还能爱谁
    RAP:Now brace yourself and prepare,
    for tender loving care
    No need now to stare, no non other can compare
    Now for a close up, back that thing up
    And let this thing caleld love take It's course
    so we can live it up
    My futures with you, I can see it ever so clearly
    Taking it slow, cuz you're the only one for me
    So here's my heart for you,
    now and forever more
    Cuz you're the only one that I adore
    EVERWHERE 都是你的脸 
    再危险我也不怕危险 把爱捧到你身边
    EVERWHERE 我都不会变 
    你不爱我 我问问你还能爱谁


    • 网友e1123***懒猫:原来你是我朋友的学姐啊,感觉距离真的好近
    • 网友K106***为前生:当初说好西什库教堂一起过平安夜
    • 网友H433***的8578:这个之前一直在找这个版本,找到之后只是片段,现在终于出了!!
    • 网友y199***嘉:喜欢你表情丰富地说些什么
    • 网友D272***阳光6:爱你又选择不纠缠是我爱你的
    • 网友G62***hanhan同学:圣诞快乐
    • 网友T311***计大佬低头:白羊座综合指数两颗星你的油嘴滑舌,不仅没有给你带来好运,可能还会遭受一点挫败。但工作运势还是可以的,很少有与人打交道的交集,所以你只要按照原定计划好好做事即可。恋爱方面对方可能厌倦你只说不做的滑舌,乃至于不理你,甚至会生闷气表示抗议。
    • 网友U381***鲤:我很珍惜现在和你的关系,暧昧,模糊不清

